Early Signs of Pregnancy: What to Look For!

Aug 30, 2024
24 People Read
Early Signs of Pregnancy
Table of Contents
  1. What are the top 10 signs of early pregnancy?
    1. Missed Period
    2. Tender, Swollen Breasts
    3. Nausea (With or Without Vomiting)
    4. Increased Urination
    5. Fatigue
    6. Mood Swings
    7. Bloating
    8. Light Spotting and Cramping
    9. Constipation
    10. Food Aversions and Sensitivity to Smells
  2. What Does This All Mean?

Before you miss a period and even before you see those two little lines on a pregnancy test, you might already suspect—or hope—that you're pregnant. Your body could be sending you subtle hints that a little one is on the way. Let’s explore the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy and why they occur.

What are the top 10 signs of early pregnancy?

Missed Period

One of the earliest and most reliable signs of pregnancy is a missed period. If you’re usually regular and suddenly your period doesn’t arrive, it might be time to consider the possibility that you’re pregnant. However, if your cycle is irregular, this sign might be less clear-cut.

Tender, Swollen Breasts

Early in pregnancy, hormonal changes can make your breasts feel more sensitive or sore. This tenderness might be one of the first clues that something’s different. The discomfort usually fades after a few weeks as your body adjusts to the new hormone levels.

Nausea (With or Without Vomiting)

Ah, morning sickness—the classic sign that pregnancy hormones are in full swing! Nausea can strike at any time of the day, not just in the morning. It often starts one to two months after conception, but for some women, it can begin even earlier—or not at all. While the exact cause of pregnancy-related nausea isn’t fully understood, those pesky hormones are likely to blame.

Increased Urination

If you find yourself running to the bathroom more often, you’re not alone. During pregnancy, your body increases blood production, which makes your kidneys work overtime to filter the extra fluid, leading to more frequent urination.


Feeling extra tired? Early pregnancy can leave you feeling unusually fatigued. While the exact cause isn’t certain, the rapid rise in the hormone progesterone during the first trimester is thought to play a role. So, if you’re suddenly feeling like you could nap anywhere, anytime, it might be more than just a busy day.

Mood Swings

Pregnancy hormones can send your emotions on a bit of a wild ride. You might find yourself feeling more emotional or easily moved to tears. These mood swings are a normal part of early pregnancy as your body adapts to the hormonal changes.


That bloated feeling you get before your period? It can also be a sign of early pregnancy. Hormonal changes slow down your digestive system, which can cause that uncomfortable bloating sensation.

Light Spotting and Cramping

A little spotting can be normal early in pregnancy. Known as implantation bleeding, it occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus, usually about 10 to 14 days after conception. Some women might also experience mild cramping, which can feel similar to the cramps you get before your period.


Those hormonal changes during pregnancy can also slow down your digestive system, leading to constipation. Staying hydrated and including fiber-rich foods in your diet can help keep things moving smoothly.

Food Aversions and Sensitivity to Smells

During early pregnancy, your senses might go into overdrive. Certain smells or foods you once loved could suddenly turn your stomach. These aversions are another quirk of pregnancy hormones.

What Does This All Mean?

While these symptoms can be early signs of pregnancy, they’re not exclusive to it. Some of these signs might also indicate that you’re about to start your period or coming down with something. And yes, it’s possible to be pregnant without experiencing many of these symptoms at all!

If you’ve missed a period and are noticing some of these signs, it’s a good idea to take a home pregnancy test or see your healthcare provider for confirmation. The earlier your pregnancy is confirmed, the sooner you can begin prenatal care.

And a little tip—if you’re planning to conceive or have just discovered you’re pregnant, start taking a daily prenatal vitamin. These vitamins are packed with essential nutrients which are crucial for your baby’s growth and development.



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Table of Contents
  1. What are the top 10 signs of early pregnancy?
    1. Missed Period
    2. Tender, Swollen Breasts
    3. Nausea (With or Without Vomiting)
    4. Increased Urination
    5. Fatigue
    6. Mood Swings
    7. Bloating
    8. Light Spotting and Cramping
    9. Constipation
    10. Food Aversions and Sensitivity to Smells
  2. What Does This All Mean?